Moonstone Meaning

 The Stone of New Beginnings/Calms Emotions

Moonstone meaning - Moonstone Bracelet by zen jewelz

Moonstone Meaning – zen jewelz

Moonstone meaning: a gemstone of new beginnings.  As its name suggests, it is strongly connected to the moon and to intuition.  Like the moon, this stone is reflective and reminds us that, as the moon waves and wanes, everything is part of a cycle of change.  Its most powerful effect is that of calming the emotions.  Moonstone makes conscious the unconscious, promoting intuition and empathy.  It encourages lucid dreaming, especially at the time of the full moon.  This gemstone has traditionally been used to enhance psychic abilities and to develop clairvoyance.

Psychologically, Moonstone calms overreactions to situations and to emotional triggers.  It is filled with receptive, gentle, energy.  This gemstone balances male/female energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side.  It is the perfect antidote for the excessively macho man or the overly aggressive female.

Mentally, this gemstone opens the mind to sudden and irrational impulses, serendipity and sychronicity.  Emotionally, it soothes stress and instability, calming and stabilizing the emotions.  Moonstone improves emotional intelligence, as it can draw out old emotional patterning so that it can be understood and then dissolved.  This stone provides deep emotional healing, and ameliorates disorders of the upper digestive tract that are related to emotional stress.


Moonstone meaning - Peach Moonstone Bracelet by zen jewelz

MOONSTONE MEANING – Peach Moonstone – zen jewelz

Physically, Moonstone powerfully affects the female reproductive system, and alleviates menstrual-related dis-ease & tension.  It is linked to the pineal gland and balances the hormonal system, stabilized fluid imbalances, and attunes to the biorhythmic clock.  It is helpful in cases of shock, and can be used to calm hyperactive children.

Moonstone helps the digestive tract and reproductive system, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, and aids in reversing degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes, and fleshy organs such as the liver or pancreas.  It is excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding.

Now that you have learned all about Moonstone meaning, shop our large selection of Moonstone and choose the one that calls out to you!

zen jewelz has been designing and selling handmade healing crystal jewelry in the USA for the last 10 years.  ZenJen, the founder, owner and designer is a proud graduate of Fashion Institute of Technology and holds GIA certifications in colored stones and diamonds. The company’s core focus is to help manifest the dreams and wellness of the client. Each piece of healing crystal jewelry is specifically created for healing the mind, body and soul, and to assist in balancing the physical and metaphysical energies of the body while setting trends in fashion.  For further information on zen jewelz or our products please visit the company’s website at  We have the largest selection of handmade healing gemstone jewelry on the web!

Feel free to contact me if you would like a custom handmade jewelry piece designed just for you or if you would like a free consultation to learn about which healing crystal can best support you on your journey.  READ OUR TESTIMONIALS HERE!

It is always my pleasure to serve you.


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