Chakra Bracelets

Designed to balance the seven chakras and promote healing and vitality, our handcrafted Chakra bracelet collection brings harmony and balance to the body and spirit. Each chakra bracelet corresponds to one of the seven chakras. Mix and match chakra bracelets to open any or all of your chakras, or to focus on the attributes of a specific chakra.

The First Chakra: Muladhara (Root)Raw Garnet Gemstones

The root chakra is related to vitality, self-confidence, courage, security, and physical well-being. Situated at the base of the spine, this energy center controls the adrenal glands, kidneys, spine, and nervous system. When it is out of alignment, problems may arise that are associated with constipation, diarrhea, piles, colitis, Crohn’s disease, cold fingers and toes, frequent urination, hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney stones, impotence, and hip, leg and foot problems. For this chakra, we recommend the garnet/quartz chakra bracelet with a doubled-sided chakra charm and healing spiral. The spiral is the oldest symbol used in spiritual practices and it reflects the universal pattern of growth and evolution, reminding us of our evolving journey through life.

The Second Chakra: Swadhisthana (Sacral)Raw Carnelian Gemstone

Located in the lower abdomen, the sacral chakra is related to water, granting movement, change and flexibility to both body and mind. It acts as the resting place for personal habits and is closely tied to happiness, resourcefulness, pleasure, and confidence. For this chakra, we recommend the carnelian/quartz chakra bracelet with a doubled-sided sterling silver chakra charm and healing spiral.

The Third Chakra: Manipura (Power)Raw Citrine Gemstone

This energy center is related to self-confidence, strength, empowerment, wisdom, and clarity. Situated below the ribs, the solar plexus chakra balances the liver, spleen, stomach, and small intestine but, if blocked, diabetes, pancreatitis, liver disease, peptic ulcer, Coeliac’s disease, and gallstones can occur. Yellow is the governing color for this chakra, and we recommend the citrine/quartz chakra bracelet with a doubled-sided sterling silver chakra charm and healing spiral to bring this particular chakra into alignment.

The Fourth Chakra: Anahata (Heart)Raw Tourmaline Gemstone

The heart chakra relates to love and self-love, serving as the link between lower, physical chakras and the higher, etheric chakras. An open heart chakra allows you to give and receive love, feel and demonstrate compassion for others, and experience empathy. For this chakra, we recommend the tourmaleine/quartz chakra bracelet with a doubled-sided sterling silver chakra charm and healing spiral.

The Fifth Chakra: Visudda (Throat)Raw Aquamarine Gemstone

The throat chakra governs speech and creative expression. Located in the collarbone, this energy center is also known as the center of purification, since this is where energy manifests in the physical world. When balanced, the throat chakra allows you to be creative and expressive. We recommend the aquamarine/quartz chakra bracelet with a doubled-sided sterling silver chakra charm and healing spiral to bring this chakra into alignment.

The Sixth Chakra: Ajna (Third Eye)Raw Amethyst Gemstone

The energy center for intuition, understanding and mysticism, the third eye chakra is related to the eyes, lower head and sinuses. When out of balance, tension headaches, migraines, visual defects, short-sightedness, long-sightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, and sinus and ear problems may develop. Through the third eye, we understand non-verbal cues and make clear decisions. We recommend the amethyst/quartz chakra bracelet with a doubled-sided sterling silver chakra charm and healing spiral to bring this chakra into alignment.

The Seventh Chakra: Sahasrara (Crown)Raw Clear Quartz Gemstone

The seventh chakra is related to beauty, creativity and inspiration, and it is the foundation of the spiritual body. When the crown energy center is balanced, you will have a greater ability to trust life and connect deeply with your spirituality. We recommend the quartz chakra bracelet with a doubled-sided sterling silver chakra charm and healing spiral to heal anxiety, fear and fatigue, as well as to promote reverence for all life, self-sacrifice, idealism, and positivity.

Click here to see all of the handmade chakra bracelets in our collection.