Recovery Bracelet
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The zen jewelz Recovery Bracelet was created to be worn as a tool, as a reminder of one’s strength and courage with a difficult addiction and to support one in their journey to recovery and sobriety.
The Sobriety Circle and Triangle Symbol, is the sobriety symbol used by the Twelve-Step Recovery Program and Alcoholics Anonymous. It has been used in many cultures. The priests, medicine men and seers of antiquity regarded the circle enclosing the triangle as a means of warding off spirits of evil, and A.A.’s circle and triangle of Recovery, Unity and Service has certainly meant all of that to those in recovery.
The Recovery Bracelet includes Hematite, Amethyst, Crackled Fire Agate and Buffalo Bone Beads.
This combination of healing crystals brings a powerful energy to the wearer. These gemstones assist in eliminating cravings and destructive desires and treat addictions of all kinds. Crackled Fire Agate was chosen as it is considered an effective “ass kicker” stone. It emanates life force energy and is fiercely protective and provides an impenetrable shield against ill-wishing, gently returning it to the source to know the harm it is doing and then dissipating it.
Buffalo Bone Beads were chosen as an added bonus to this bracelet, as the medicine of Buffalo is said to provide protection, courage, abundance, strength, challenge and survival. Use these healing crystals as a tool to remind you of your strength at this time in your life.
Do you or someone you know struggle with addiction?
Try our recovery bracelet!
There are many types of addiction. “Addiction” refers to a mental disease that causes people to feel obsessed with something. They have cravings for that thing, and they’re unable to control themselves when it comes to it. When they compulsively partake in the substance or behavior that they’re addicted to, certain chemicals, including endorphins, are released in their brain, making them feel “high.” They chase that high and seek it out no matter what negative consequences it has for them.
When people think of “addiction,” they usually think about addiction to drugs and alcohol, but just about anything can be considered addiction when it reaches the point of an unhealthy fixation. Here are some different types of addictions that people can have.
Many people are addicted to substances that are considered drugs. Drugs include things like opiates (heroin, painkillers), benzodiazepines (Xanax), alcohol, nicotine (cigarettes), and caffeine (yes, you can even be addicted to your morning coffee).
People who are addicted to food tend to overeat or eat in binges, and they’re unable to control their eating. People who are addicted to food are often overweight or obese, or they suffer from addictive eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, or extreme calorie counting.
Shopping is an addiction that can cause great financial difficulties for people. People who are addicted to shopping find it to be a stress reliever, and ironically, it helps them forget about their problems, especially money problems. They buy things compulsively.
People enjoy the thrill they get from gambling and the risk that comes with it. Like shopping, gambling is a type of impulse control disorder. Those who are addicted to gambling often become obsessed with the thought of winning back the money they’ve lost, and so they continue to gamble.Sex People who are addicted to sex are addicted to the feelings they get from physical intimacy, including the high that they feel during and after orgasm. Sex addiction can lead to STDs, unwanted pregnancy, relationship problems, and low self-esteem.
Some people are addicted to emotional intimacy, which is a love addiction. They seek the high that comes from being in love. They immediately jump into relationships and fall into what they think is love very quickly.
People who are addicted to exercise are seeking out the rush of endorphins and adrenaline they feel from working out. Too much exercise can even lead to physical problems.
The term “workaholic” refers to a real disorder. It’s possible to be addicted to working, no matter what type of work it is. Some people engross themselves in their work to the detriment of other areas of their lives, like relationships or their health.
Other Impulse Control Disorders and Addictions
As mentioned, there are many types of addictions, and almost anything can become an addiction. Here’s a list of some of the other more common types of addictions.
-The Internet
-Stealing (kleptomania)
-Setting fires (pyromania)
-Video games
-Rage (intermittent explosive disorder)
-Body Image

serenity prayer
If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction of any kind, gift this special recovery jewelry today or pass along this information. You can make a difference in someone’s life! Purchase these important healing crystals for only $79.99.
zen jewelz has been designing and selling handmade healing crystal jewelry in the USA for the last 10 years. ZenJen, the founder, owner and designer is a proud graduate of Fashion Institute of Technology and holds GIA certifications in colored stones and diamonds. The company’s core focus is to help manifest the dreams and wellness of the client. Each piece of healing crystal jewelry is specifically created for healing the mind, body and soul, and to assist in balancing the physical and metaphysical energies of the body while setting trends in fashion. For further information on zen jewelz or our products please visit the company’s website at We have the largest selection of handmade healing gemstone jewelry on the web!
Feel free to contact me if you would like a custom handmade jewelry piece designed just for you or if you would like a free consultation to learn about which healing crystal can best support you on your journey. READ OUR TESTIMONIALS HERE!
It is always my pleasure to serve you.
~ ZenJen
I would love this recovery bracelet