Are You Feeling Stressed and In Need of Calming Energy?

Fire Agate has a deep connection to the earth and its energy is calming, bringing security and safety. With strong grounding powers, it supports the wearer during difficult times. This gemstone has a strong protective function, especially against ill-wishing. Building a protective shield around the body, it returns harm back to its source so that the source understands the harm it is doing.
Physically, Fire Agate, as its name suggests, links to the fire element. It aids sexual endeavors, fires up the base chakra and stimulates vitality on all levels. Psychologically, this gemstone dispels fear and instills deep peace, comfort and security.
Wearing our Fire Agate bracelet encourages deep introspection, effortlessly bringing up inner problems for resolution. It helps to eliminate cravings and destructive desires. This gemstone can also be quite useful in treating addictions.

FIRE AGATE BRACELET: Instill Spiritual Fortitude
Spiritually, this protective stone aids in relaxation, so that the body is able to “mellow out,” enhancing meditation. Said to represent absolute perfection, Fire Agate instills spiritual fortitude and aids in the evolution of consciousness.
This gemstone heals the stomach, nervous & endocrine systems, and circulatory disorders. It aids eyes, strengthening night vision and clearing vision at the inner, intuitive levels along with outer, physical levels. It can be used to balance hot flashes and remove heat from the body. Fire Agate brings vitality into the body, preventing energy burn-out. Placed on a blown chakra, it gently brings it back online. At a subtle level, Fire Agate clears energy blockages and cleanses the aura.
zen jewelz has been designing and selling handmade healing crystal jewelry in the USA for the last 10 years. ZenJen, the founder, owner and designer is a proud graduate of Fashion Institute of Technology and holds GIA certifications in colored stones and diamonds. The company’s core focus is to help manifest the dreams and wellness of the client. Each piece of healing crystal jewelry is specifically created for healing the mind, body and soul, and to assist in balancing the physical and metaphysical energies of the body while setting trends in fashion. For further information on zen jewelz or our products please visit the company’s website at We have the largest selection of handmade healing gemstone jewelry on the web!
Feel free to contact me if you would like a custom handmade jewelry piece designed just for you or if you would like a free consultation to learn about which healing crystal can best support you on your journey. READ OUR TESTIMONIALS HERE!
It is always my pleasure to serve you.
~ ZenJen
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