Purchase the Fertility Bracelet HERE
I have had a challenging journey to motherhood. After multiple miscarriages I was discouraged and heartbroken. I purchased the fertility bracelet and began working with Jen to add other bracelets. I truly believe that the bracelets helped me in having a successful pregnancy. My son is now 2 1/2 years old. Recently, one of my girlfriends had a miscarriage and was having difficulty getting pregnant again. I gave her my fertility bracelet. She is now 3 months pregnant. Thank you Jen. You truly have a gift.
RK – Bellingham, WA – September, 2020
Jen and I met over the phone for a consultation and I expressed how much I would like to have children. She recommended the fertility bracelet. Through the process, I worked on myself by losing weight and thinking positive. Somehow the bracelet gave me balance and I decided to get another personalized bracelet that would be tailored to my body’s needs. I followed my instincts and with lots of prayers and with Jen’s help, I am finally pregnant with a baby girl. She is truly a blessing and I have been waiting for her all my life. Getting pregnant at my age is a miracle in itself. Thank you Jen for all your help.
Mari – Las Vegas, NV – February, 2019
I purchased the fertility bracelet a few years ago from ZenJen. It was taking us a long time to start a family. I decided to look on her website to see what bracelets she had and found the fertility one. I couldn’t wait to purchase it and receive it. It arrived in a nice box with a message. I was wearing it every day and it’s like a miracle happened. I got pregnant with my son and now he’s 5 years old. I can’t thank ZenJen enough for making a bracelet that helped me out and I hope that it does the same for others out there. I would recommend and can’t wait to see what I can order next. Thanks again!
Jennifer – Ridgewood, NY – September, 2018
When I first met Zen Jen, I knew she was the Real Deal. She immediately was about to tell me about myself. I initially went to see her bc I was experiencing secondary infertility. With my initial visit she was able to read my energy and tell me that I needed to work on my self acceptance and worth and everything would happen in divine timing. I left my first session with a new mindset and beautiful healing stones. I then went back with my husband and we purchased our first smudging kit: abalone shell, sage and a beautiful custom turkey feather that we were both drawn to. My most recent visit with Jen was when I found out I had PCOS and was about to start fertility treatments. I knew I needed to see Jen to start my journey with a clean mindset and some needed healing stones to get me through this difficult journey. Jen assisted in choosing some healing gems that I was attracted to. Those healing stones represented the heart chakra. As soon as the stones were on my wrist I felt a sense of relief. Jen took the time to educate me on each stone and she even went further to give me some literation on the stones and aside from the heart chakra they also were healing stones for fertility. Needless to say within a couple weeks I became pregnant with my second child. I couldn’t be happier and couldn’t wait to tell Jen. It’s the power of the healing gemstones!
Pasquelina – NJ – September, 2017
The first time I purchased the fertility bracelet it was for a friend. She has gone through several IVF treatments and was diagnosed with endometriosis. The doctor also told her getting pregnant would be futile because her ovaries were no longer producing eggs. She was devastated. I bought her the fertility bracelet as a gift and it worked within 2 months. I received a call from her husband after the first trimester saying my gift worked. Their daughter is now 8 years old. AMAZING and POWERFUL. I am a believer for life. I also purchased another fertility bracelet recently for a family member. She is also pregnant! I told another family member to purchase one and will spread the word about this bracelet because it truly heals and works with a women’s body so she can carry a baby to term and conceive.
Yun – Canada – February, 2017
“I purchased the Original Fertility Bracelet from you and the only time I have been able to stay pregnant was with this bracelet. It fell off at 21 weeks and I gave birth at 24. I am happy to report that myself and the baby are healthy. Now we are trying for our second. We are doing the in vitro process again in the next two weeks so I hope it has the same results. This time I’m going to duct tape it to my wrist. LOL”
Tonia- Lakeside, CA- April 2015
Hello! I just wanted to write my second email to you to say my thanks for my fertility bracelet. I purchased it in 2010 and wrote to you following the birth of my little boy in August 2011. Well, it has done its job again and I have welcomed my 3rd child (second fertility bracelet baby) in August of this year. My husband and I had difficulty getting pregnant years ago but since wearing my fertility bracelet faithfully, we have managed to have 2 children on our own (my first was conceived with IVF). Who knows? We may even go for #4!
Thank you so very much. I love my bracelet, as well as the others that I have purchased over the years!
Angel, Virginia – December 2014

Purchase the Fertility Bracelet HERE
I received my fertility bracelet as a gift from my sister. We never expected our “Little Miracle” to happen in a matter of weeks with of wearing it. In the end, I had with two gifts – a bracelet and our amazing little boy “Ryan”!
Carol, NYC

Purchase the Fertility Bracelet HERE
I’m writing with an update! The fertility bracelet that I purchased from you back in June has brought my husband and I a stronger faith and in turn belief that we would successfully carry our pregnancy to term. Currently, we’re pregnant with twin boys and could not be more excited. As promised, I’ve attached a belly photo while wearing my bracelet (which I never take off except to shower and sleep). You should know that I’ve told so many of my family members and friends about you ~ a friend of ours has recently purchased a bracelet for his wife – they suffered a miscarriage at the same time my husband and I did, back in February, while he was away in the service and could not be home to comfort his wife in person. Hopefully, their bracelet will enhance their faith too. Thank you. We’ll be sure to send pictures of the boys when they’re born.
I bought the zen jewelz fertility bracelet in September and I’m due in July!
Beth, NJ
Jacqueline Laurita, Franklin Lakes, NJ